Naval projects

    Naval projects
    • Development of Engineering Project for the Repower of “Cavalier X” Towboat.
    • Development of  1,000 t, 1,500 t, 2,000 t and 2,500 t Dry Cargo Barges Projects.
    • Projects for Manufacturing Quotation of Liquid Fuels Tank Barges (oil and sub-products) of 1,500 m3, 2,500 m3 and 5,000 m3 capacity.
    • Project of a 1,200 t Steel Floating Dry Dock, classified according to A.B.S.
    • Projects for Repairing of Several River Service Ships, such as “Chaco 2000” Barges, “Itaipú” Towboat, “Doña Anneke” Motor Ship, etc.
    • Project of Telescopic Hooper Hatch Covers for 1,500 t and 2,500 t Dry Cargo Barges.
    • Project of nozzle for “Itaipú” Towboat propeller.
    • Decks Ramps for Vehicles Transportation on the Transporte Fluvial Paraguayo’s Yguazú Barge.
    • Projects Development of 2,500 t and 2,600 t Box and Rake Type Dry Cargo Barges.
    • Project for the Litoral Tank Ship Transformation into PAR 3001 Container Cargo Barge. The project includes the Stability and Strength Calculations, Ballast and Drain Systems, Manufacturing Drawings, Manual Loading and all the necessary documents for the transformation and Classification under the Registro Italiano Naval (RINA).
    • Project for the Elevation of the Command Deckhouse of the Enterprise Motor Ship.
    • Manufacturing Drawings of the Propulsion Shafting for the Doña Anneke Motor Ship.
    • Project for the Rodeo Cattle Ship Transformation into Container Cargo Barge.
    • Drawings of the Waterlines and Hull for the Desafío Towboat.
    • Manufacturing Drawings of Propulsion Shafting, Rudder Blades, General Arrangement and Others for the Mburuvichá Towboat.
    • Project for the “Lago Ypoá” Tank Ship Transformation into Cargo Container Ship, according to the RINA Rules.
    • Preliminary Project for the “Paraná Verá” Tank Ship Transformation into Cargo Container Ship, according to the RINA Rules.
    • Projects Development of Transformation of 12 (twelve) Rake Type Dry Cargo Barges 1,500 t into 2,500 t, according to the ABS Rules.
    • Project for construction of combustible tank for the Rake of “BIG” Dry Cargo Barges.
    • Project for construction of Collisions Bulkheads into the BG 3, BG 6 and BG 8 Dry Cargo Barges, according to the RINA Rules.
    • Project for the transformation of “657” Deck Barge into Cargo Container Ship.
    • Project for construction of oil and bilge tanks in the “Jejuí” Towboat.
    • Preliminary Project for 280 ft length Deck Cargo Container Barge for River Service for C.M.S.P., according to the ABS Rules.
    • Projects Development of 1,500 t Box and Rake Type Dry Cargo Barges, according to the ABS Rules.
    • Projects Development of Transformation of 19 (nineteen) Rake Type Dry Cargo Barges 1,500 t into 2,500 t, according to the ABS Rules.
    • Projects Development of Transformation of 1,500 t Rake Type Dry Cargo Barges into 1,800 m3 Tank Barge, according to the RINA Rules.
    • Preliminary Project for the Transformation of “Ciudad de Paraná” Passengers Ship into Cargo Container Ship.
    • Elevation Project of control compartment of “Triton” towboat and Hydrodtatic data.
    • Preparation of Plans and Calculation Memories of “Aratirí” towboat (ex Kennet).
    • Projects Development of two Liquid Fuel Tank Barges to 2800 m3.
    • Drawings of General arrangement and Diagram of fire-fighting system of the “Exprorador” cargo Container Ship.
    • Projects Development of Box and Rake Type Dry Cargo Barges to transport trunks in the Uruguay River.
    • Projects Development of Transformation of Rake  and Box Type Dry Cargo Barges 2,500 t.
    • Measurement of the hull and Manufacturing Drawings of the Hull Lines and Calibrated Chart Fuel Tank of the “Don Antonio” towboat.
    • Measurement of the hull and Manufacturing Drawings of the Hull Lines. Of the “Tendota” towboat.
    • Development of Elevation Project of coaming of Rake and Box Type Dry Cargo Barges 1.500t (model AF and CMI).
    • Manufacturing Drawings of structures and Calculation Memories of collision bulkhead for Cargo Barges.
    • Study Dry Cargo Barges Widening 1500t. Model AF (Rake type) and model ACBL ( Rake and .Rake type).
    • Project Development Placement crane on the forward of the Barges TCB410.